welcome 2 ME

hi my names roxy, also known as lies, nino, nieves, harrier, and linoleum (ik SO many names lmfao)

im kinda ageless, but for all intents and purposes im 23 lol
im a professional renovator and monastery crumbler, and my hobbies are staring at bugs and holding my lovely friends
i fully believe in magic and hope it manifests its way into everyone's lives EVER!!!!

ive got a coupla interests but not too much seeing as i was "born yesterday" or whatev else quirky statement to show how fresh i am
i like neopets, gonna try getting into coding again, talking/yappin, obvs homestuck yuckkkkkkkkk, drawing, listening to da tunes i mean im pretty fucking normal tbh
when i get more ig hobbies or interests ill upd8 my freakin lists lol but until then- i like the good shit in life

in terms of music uhmmm i enjoy a lot and im tryna find my own specific tastes as opposed to the rest of us... it seems imogen heaps my #1 toppity top pick haha
i also, in a more uh general sense, like rave shit and nightcore a bunch. ill probs make a whole ass playlist as a SAMPLER heeheehoohaa

also ik this layout is pretty shit and isnt doin wat i want it to do but well get there eventually methinks ;)

heres some silly trivias i guess!!!!!!!:

  • im an ENFP-A
  • i create arts (check the artz navi tab ;) )
  • am one of 3 main figure heads, tho i seem to be the most leaderlike out of us all (vague ik just kno im a system)
  • i am intersex!!! im p sure im genderqueer also & i dont have a label for sexuality whoops
  • i am welcome to making friends at literally any point haha ive got so freakin many but one can NEVER have enough pals in life <3